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Spot illustrations are not drawings of spots. Nor are they illustrations made up of lots of spots (although in some of these examples that could be considered to be true). A spot illustration is generally considered to be the simplest and most literal expression of a concept. It's a form or vignette that stands in isolation. They often play a supporting role in branding, being used to add flavour, personality or evoke a theme to literature, websites or a brands presence.


Alongside an exhaustive series of food illustrations, I produced a few Italian themed spot illustrations for Pasta Evangelists. These help to reinforce the brands positioning as authentic, Italian cuisine.




Spot Illustration of the Cistene Chapel for Pasta Evangelists
Spot Illustration of a Vespa Scooter for Pasta Evangelists
Spot Illustration of the Italian Tricolore Flag for Pasta Evangelists
Spot Illustration of Antique Cutlery for The Gift of Cake
Spot Illustration of the Leaning Tower of Pisa for Pasta Evangelists

I produced a series of black and white traditional engraving style illustrations for The Gift of Cake‏ - an online bakery order and delivery service. These spot illustrations, based on Victorian era cherubs, angels and other heavenly bodies, featured on gift wrap, cards, packaging and as illuminations on the brands website.




Spot Illustrations for Box and Wrap Packaging for The Gift of Cake
Spot Illustration of Cherub shooting Bow and Arrow Spork for The Gift of Cake
Spot Illustrations for Box and Wrap Packaging for The Gift of Cake
Spot Illustration of Cherub carrying Cake for The Gift of Cake
Spot Illustrations for Box and Wrap Packaging for The Gift of Cake

Several years ago I was invited to produce a series of spot illustrations for Here Nor There - a semi-private speakeasy style cocktail bar in Austin, Texas. This project included me producing an illustration of Rasputin - the resident taxidermied Polar Bear who greets guests with a tray of drinks.

I was invited to return, illustrating a new concept menu featuring flavoured drinks built to trigger certain memories - or moments in time.




Spot Illustration for Moments In Time Themed Drinks list - Remembering Your First Heartbreak - Here Nor There, Austin Texas
Spot Illustration for Moments In Time Themed Drinks list - Remembering Summer Beach Holidays - Here Nor There, Austin Texas
Spot Illustration for Moments In Time Themed Drinks list - Remembering Forest Walks - Here Nor There, Austin Texas
Spot Illustration for Moments In Time Themed Drinks list - playing in the long grass - Here Nor There, Austin Texas
Spot Illustration for Moments In Time Themed Drinks list - School Science Experiments - Here Nor There, Austin Texas
Mr.Chadwick - Logo Device.jpg
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